The one that started the craze...
Our one-of-a-kind Original Belly Bandit® was created especially for a woman’s post pregnant body. This basic uncovered version is the ORIGINAL style that started the craze! We have created a customized medical grade garment specifically for the post pregnant women. Our ultimate Bandita belly binding elastic is 100% latex free and can be adjusted to fit around the belly, waist and hips to create the ultimate slimming result. Providing our unique powerful stretch and compress technology creates a garment geared to shrink your new shape.
The Original Belly Bandit® was made for the savvy no-nonsense mom on a belly busting mission. Simple, economical, effective and all together cute!
In order to receive maximum belly, waist and hip shrinking benefit you should wear this for 6-8 weeks post delivery.
Helps Lose Inches Faster
Doctor Recommended
Accelerates Healing
Look Slimmer Instantly
Helps Minimize Stretch Marks
Provides Comfort after C-Section
Adds Support while Breastfeeding
Supports Back, Leg & Core Muscles
How often should you wear it?
The Belly Bandit should be worn all day every day, only taking it off to shower. Please feel free to sleep in the product as well. Remember, the longer you wear the quicker the results. A job worth doing is worth doing well!
All Other Belly Bandit Sizes
Band Sizes Fits Belly Size
XS 28" - 32" = 71cm - 81cm
SM 33" - 37" = 84cm - 94cm
MED 38" - 43" = 97cm - 110cm
LG 44" - 49" = 112cm -124cm
XL 50" - 57" = 127cm - 144
*Measurements reflect upon belly, NOT pant's sizes